Geoffrey Prytherch Backend Software Engineer Specialising in IoT, Docker and Cloud Services


I am a Backend Software Engineer primarily skilled in C#, Java and Python. I have experience working with large business customers both as an engineer and consultant. I have experience working with Amazon Web Services and Oracle Cloud services.

I have been a programmer for over 10 years and enjoy keeping my skills up to date. I started out hobbyist programming with BASIC in the 90s and Linux in 2006. In my spare time on my computer I program Raspberry Pis and Arduinos, Reverse Engineer protocols & services and maintain a Docker homelab. In addition, I am a pretty avid traveller and festival-goer.

Work Experience

Preservica Ltd

August 2022 - Apr 2024

Worked as a Backend engineer on a full stack agile team responsible for maintaining and implementing features to the core service including monolithic services and microservices.

Also designed, implemented and maintained a developer virtual machine with automatic deployment. This made new developer onboarding significantly faster, allowed checkpointing and rollbacking, and simplified upgrading/downgrading. This reduced development time significantly

GSP Computing Ltd

Jan 2021 - Aug 2022

Migrated SME websites from shared hosting to docker containers on cloud providers. Set up load balancing for periods of increased demand, remote monitoring and caching.

Created a bespoke RFID access control system using Mifare Ultralight EV1 wristbands for a hostel. The system was a drop in replacement for an existing magnetic card lock. ESP32 microcontrollers were used with RC522 RFID modules, sending telemetry to an AWS Lambda script. A raspberry pi 4 with a touch screen and RC522 was used as a programmer.

A full cashless payment system was designed for a hostel with options to use personal smartphones as a payment token or QR codes on a wristband. An Android tablet was used as top up and payment console, and the system was hosted on Oracle Cloud

A customer required the migration of a large legacy Asterisk PBX from on site to cloud hosted which was completed and is receiving ongoing support

Gentrack Ltd

June 2017 - Jan 2021

Most recently worked in a Product Engineering team working with C#/Python microservices hosted on Amazon Web Services. Used a wide variety of the services on offer in AWS and have experience deploying with Terraform. Primarily maintained the REST API. Used proper design principles and TDD to increase maintainability.

Previously worked in a Customer Support team working with a single B2B customer (and B2C subsidiaries) to identify and fix client specific issues and develop new features in the flagship product of Gentrack, Junifer. It is an all in one service for back office operations of utilities providers. This was a full stack role using both C#, Java and JSP. I identified and fixed bugs from end user reports, and developed new features requested by a client.


Jan 2016 - April 2017

My role at BE EXCELLENT was to implement the various products of the Oracle CX/CRM suite for clients, to update their existing implementations and to develop in house solutions for extending the functionality of these products. I was the designated prime for Oracle Sales Cloud which meant I was the first point of contact in the company for Sales Cloud.

  • I designed and implemented an instance of Oracle Sales Cloud for a client. This included a migration from their existing RightNow instance by creating bespoke tools to retrieve and transform data from their REST API. We then implemented a real time link between the two systems.
  • We overhauled a clients RightNow support pages to a mobile friendly, responsive, Single Page Architecture design.
  • Created extensions for Demandware (now Salesforce Commerce Cloud) on Amazon EC2 including customer information integration to Sales Cloud, including directly looking up Orders, Products and Baskets within those integrated customer records.


Budget Panel

A dockerised full stack application to calculate a personal budget over a rolling daily average. Started out as a PHP project but has since morphed into a Vue.js and .net Core application, held in a docker container.


Glastonbury Overlay

I reverse engineered a dead overlay for Glastonbury Festival which allowed you to compare the size of the festival to any other location in the world. A description of how I did so is in my blog.



C# · Java · Java · Python · PHP · Amazon Web Services · Microsoft Azure · DigitalOcean · REST · Vue.js · MongoDB · MySQL · Microsoft SQL · Docker · Nginx · Linux · .Net Core · Git · Microservices · Containers · Internet of Things · Distributed Systems · Bluetooth · ARM · Embedded Systems · Cryptography · Peer-to-Peer · Reverse Engineering · Fair Exchange · Agile · Scrum


August 2022 - Apr 2024 Software Engineer @ Preservica Ltd
Jan 2021 - Aug 2022 Self Employed @ GSP Computing Ltd
June 2017 - Jan 2021 Software Engineer @ Gentrack Ltd
Jan 2016 - April 2017 Junior Solutions Consultant @ BE EXCELLENT GmbH


2011 - 2015 Newcastle University MComp Computing Science (Mobile & Distributed Systems)